Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Summary - Riding Days 1 to 7

Aloha! Today is a rest day in Albuquerque, N.M. Here’s a quick summary of the past seven days.

The first three days were spent in the deserts of CA and AZ with temperatures in the 90s and clear blue skies. The next two days included a lot of climbing in canyons/mountains in AZ through two SNOW STORMS! REALLY! It’s been a long time since I’ve been so cold. The last two days were primarily downhill past some Indian reservations, with cold temperatures but clear skies. We’ve had many windy days, but thankfully very little headwinds.

It is amazing how quickly my body is adapting to the ride. After each of the first few days my legs were very sore; but now the soreness has gone away. I’m certainly tired at the end of each day, but I don’t hurt.

We arise each day around 5:30 a.m., eat breakfast, and get on the road. We stop for snacks once or twice a day, in addition to lunch. We finish around 4 or 5 p.m., eat, and then off to bed by 7:30 p.m. or so. Seems like boot camp!

There are 15 riders, and 4 support staff. We all get along very well.

841 miles down, 2071 miles to go!



  1. All right, Bishop Weber! This is great! 841 miles in seven days? That's quite a haul. Good on you!

    We'll be donating at some point. Rest assured of that. We just need to figure out what amount will fit our budget.

    We support you 100%.

    Aloha from Spokane, WA!


    the Colver family

  2. Hi Bro. Weber,

    I'm amazed how you contribute to this fund, and I will definitely donate to fully support the organization and your activity.

    I'll pray for your success!!!

    Kenny Wong

  3. Hey Bishop... That is so cool what you're doing, especially for such a great cause. We'll be keeping track of your progress. Be safe...aloha, the Meyers Ohana.

  4. Aloha Bishop Weber!

    I have a confession... I'm usually a pretty cheap person. Especially when it comes to charitable contributions to anything other than the church. But your cause and your excitement for it really touched me. And I have to admit I'm really jealous - I'd love to be out there biking all day long! I'm over 6 months pregnant with twins, so I can barely even run anymore! I really admire what you're doing. I have a sibling with a disability too, and I donated some race winnings to her care home, so I can relate to what you're doing.
    We already sent in our donation in your name through the website. It wasn't a huge amount, but every bit helps, right? :) Good luck out there! Looking forward to more updates!

  5. Hey Uncle Michael- Wow!!! the girls and I are lounging while you are out there working your legs. Kate says "wishing you luck". I'm really jealous too. I look forward to a time in my life to ride for an important cause. You are to be admired-- and your family for all of their support. Eleanor says" I'm just like wow!, I could never do that." Eva and the girls in Michigan

  6. keep up the good work dad!!!! we love you!!!
